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Cryptopolitan 2021-09-24 02:21:53

Avalanche Price Analysis: AVAX eyeing upper Bollinger band at $79

TL;DR Breakdown Avalanche price analysis is bullish for today.AVAX/USD retraced and found support at $66.5 yesterday.Bulls start to push AVAX higher today again. The price analysis for the Avalanche is bullish, as the market has established a new higher low and begun to move back towards its all-time high. As a result, we anticipate AVAX/USD to rise further over the next 24 hours and perhaps surpass the $75 previous all-time high. Cryptocurrency heat map. Source: Coin360 Avalanche price movement in the last 24 hours: Avalanche sets higher low at $78 AVX/USD was relatively range-bound in the $74.55 – $78.67 region, with a trading olume of $733, 000. AVAX/USD 4-hour chart: AVAX set to test the previous high today? On the four-hour chart, bulls are starting to take control of the Avalanche price movement, suggesting that we may see further gains today. AVAX/USD 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView This week’s price action for Avalanche has been characterized by strong bullish momentum. Bulls began pushing the market higher following a new significant swing low of $33 set on September 7th. AVAX initially broke the previous all-time high of $59 and peaked at roughly $65 last weekend. On Wednesday, after retracing to $66, the Avalanche price movement rallied towards new peaks. The all-time high of $75 was finally achieved on the 18th of September. This price fluctuation occurred after another little retreat late yesterday. Bulls...

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